Vacume and mbar pressure Transmitters


  • Pressure range from 0 .. 100 mbar up to 0 .. 600 mbar 
  • Vacuum range 0 .. -1
  • -/+ Pressure ranges are available.
  • 2 wire 4 .. 20 ma or 3 wire 0.. 10 VDC (other on request)
  • Fast response < 1 msec
  • Accuracy 0.5% Full Scale
  • Various process connection
  • Various electrical connection
  • Customer specific versions
  • 1 year warranty


  • Water and wastewater
  • Energy Industries
  • Hydraulics and Pneumatics
  • Machine building
  • Measurement and control technology
  • Pumps and compressors


Alton KPT/ EPT 30 series pressure transmitters are reliable instruments for pressure measurement in industrial environments. With compact design and high quality manufacturing, they can be integrated into a wide range of machine designs and process automation applications. The many measuring ranges, and various process and electrical connections, contribute to them universal applicability.

The processing of the sensor signal is done by newly developed digital electronics and sensor specific deviations such as non-linearity, hyste esis and temperature errors are compensated actively.

Alton products are particularly cost-efficient and offer very good performance, matched to the majority of applications in terms of precision and robustness. The high reliability and long service life ensure low maintenance and replacement costs.

             Product range overview
               Technical Specifications

                 Input Signal
                  Output Signal
              Process connections
              Electrical connections

                     Type codes

41462 Neuss Germany
Bruke 2
Alton Automation GMBH
+49 1776512285            
+49 15738373376

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