Smart Valves Controller

Product Description

The smart valve controller is an AI based controller to provide state of the art valve control for a variety of fluid control parameters on different valve types from any valve manufacturer. 

This controller can test and study the behavior and physical and functional properties of any type of valve from any manufacturer by advanced learning algorithms and apply the best command to the valve in operational mode according to its acquired knowledge and the condition of the valve in terms of It reports the health and its effects on the network and fluid. Announcing repairs and preventive inspections is one of the other capabilities of this controller.

Intuitive programming screens allow easy and fast programming for standard and customized applications such as flow, pressure, level, or po sition. Complete capabilities allow either stand-alone operation or easy integration into SCADA systems with standard wired signals or Modbus (TCP / RTU) communications. 


Water transmission  or distribution networks

Throughout the water transmission and distribution networks, there are many valves that must pass an appropriate and accurate amount of water in order to provide the required  pressure or flow in the network.

The correct operation of these valves causes a fair distribution of water, reduces leakage and water wastage, reduces the consumption of sub scribers and increases the life of the network.

Knowing about the health of the valves, the amount of flow passing through them and ensuring their proper operation and planning for preven tive maintenance and repairs helps water and energy efficiency in water distribution and transmission.

Technical Specification

  • AI functions to study valves and control them in the best condition in operational mode.
  • Provides remote or local setpoint control for valves in a variety of fluid applications
  • Highly accurate and stable valve control 
  • Controller is supplied with preloaded data for most common valve functions 
  • Custom logics and data can be created for Multi-Function Control 
  • Simple Control Curves graphical programming 
  • High resolution color screen graphics with color-coded indicators
  • Communications via standard 4-20 mA retransmission and relays or by Modbus RTU/TCP
  • Internal logging : programmable and download to USB
  • Less than 3 Watts power: solar or hydro powered remote valve control
  • Simple and intuitive programming and set-up 

Competitive advantages

  • The artificial intelligence algorithms in this controller provide users with unique capabilities related to valve status reports and the amount of flow passing through it.
  • This controller can be installed and used on most industrial valves regardless of their type and manufacturer.
  • The cost of installing and using this controller on industrial valves is much less expensive than the cost of providing the necessary instruments to monitor and calculate similar information.

41462 Neuss Germany
Bruke 2
Alton Automation GMBH
+49 1776512285            
+49 15738373376

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